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Oil Pulling
My apologies for not putting this to text sooner, It has been on my mind for quite some time. But now more than ever I feel it imparative that I share this knowledge, either due to the wonderful benefits and effects I’ve personally experienced or possible because recently I had the pleasure of helping someone suffering so severely with thrush (new to me) that it brought tears to my eyes. Oil pulling, the age old practice everyone’s forgotten.
Originating over 3000 years ago this ayurvedic practice is gaining popularity within the health and wellness community. The procces is simple, just like swishing standard mouthwash (DO NOT SWALLOW), although rather than just potentially killing of surface bacteria, oil pulling with premium quality Organic oils will penetrate far deeper into your Gums, Factal tissue and Teeth! Yes, our teeth are porous and with frequent enough practice the oils are able to clean, detoxify and reverse cavities.
Traditionally sesame oil was used being popular in ayurvedic practices, but recently studies have shown cold pressed coconut oil to be optimal, however all oils are not created equal. Taking that into consideration we’d recommend “Organic Virgin Unrefined Cold Pressed Coconut Oil” and the best we’ve found is produced by Dr. Bronner’s and is widely available locally or online.
It is generally recommended practicing oil pulling in the morning or on an empty stomach, I’ve taken to adding it to my evening routine as well as after mealtimes on occasion. Making sure you fully discharge oil when finished, preferably into a waste bin or outdoors as it can cause issues with household plumbing.
1. Oil Preparation
Begin by making sure your mouth is reasonably clear of debris, as swishing chunks is less than pleasing. Place about 2 teaspoons of oil (preferably Unrefined Coconut oil) into your mouth, may be solid briefly if cold enough (will melt with body temp).
2. Swishing
Begin to swish in your mouth, making sure to flush all areas and gaps between teeth. This procces should last up to 20 minutes, it may take you a few times to work up to it, but 20 minutes is the optimal time for the oil to penetrate and clear out without redepositing the waste. Oil may become thick and milky after the duration and possibly doubling in volume with added saliva.
3. Discharge
Once you have completed the duration of swishing it is recommended to discharge oil from mouth into trash can or outside. Due to the thickness of the oil it could solidify and cause problems in pipes.
4. Clean-up
Rince thoroughly with warm water to remove remaining oil, some sources suggest salt water, I suggest now is a great time for tounge scraping as it will pull the most debris from your mouth, and after oil pulling things are loosened up a bit, followed by brush with baking soda or Dr Bronner’s Peppermint paste.
I’d also like to note, due to the depth of cleansing afforded by oil pulling, I find normally the throat will continue to purge/clear out for up to thirty minutes after exercise, so I’d recommend to continue discharging of saliva or any other material for a brief period following.
Important takeaways
1. Always use organic oils (Unrefined coconut preferably).
2. Swish for up to 20 minutes,.
3. Always discharge oil in safe place (Never swallowed).
4. Clean your mouth afterwards to cleans bacteria/toxin laden oil from the mouth, first through tounge scraping if possible and with standard brushing.
5. Remember to make it a healthy part of your daily routine.
6. Smile with confidence.
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Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
With a monument-us versatility DE is also an action packed super food with multiple beneficial effects including replacing and enforcing vital silica in your body it helps to cleans and maintain your digestive track for optimum nutrition absorption.
added to the smoothie is produces a creamy emulsion closely resembling a malt while also potentially aiding in growth of folical cells.
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Organic Bananas
Bananas are best stored hung by the stem out of direct sunlight (unless ripening is desired). For the latest smoothie recipe we have been breaking the bananas apart into approx 1″ pieces and freezing, this aids in reduced processes turn around times and temperatures.
Wonderfully sweet with firm and creamy flesh, bananas come prepackaged in their own yellow jackets and are available for harvest throughout the year.
Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) also contains:
Potassium: is a mineral that is essential for heart health, especially blood pressure control.
Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, carbs, Fiber, Protein, and Fat.
Each banana contains only about 105 calories, and consists almost exclusively of water and carbs. Bananas contain very little protein and almost no fat.
They contain several types of potent antioxidants, including dopamine and catechins
Unripe bananas contain resistant starch, which acts like soluble fiber and escapes digestion.
Both pectin and resistant starch may moderate blood sugar levels after meals, and reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.
Furthermore, bananas also rank low to medium on the glycemic index, which is a measure (from 0–100) of how quickly foods increase blood sugar levels.
The glycemic value of unripe bananas is about 30, while ripe bananas rank at about 60. The average value of all bananas is 51.
This means that bananas should not cause major spikes in blood sugar levels in healthy individuals.
Starches are long chains of glucose that are found in grains, potatoes and various foods.
But not all of the starch we eat gets digested.
Sometimes a small part of it passes through the digestive tract unchanged.
In other words, it is resistant to digestion.
This type of starch is called resistant starch, which functions kind of like soluble fiber.
Many studies show that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits for humans.
This includes improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite and various benefits for digestion.
It goes through the stomach and small intestine undigested, eventually reaching the colon where it feeds the friendly bacteria in the gut.
The bacteria in the intestine (the gut flora) outnumber the body’s cells 10 to 1. In that respect, we are only 10% human.
Whereas most foods we eat feed only 10% of our cells, fermentable fibers and resistant starches feed the other 90%.
It reduces the pH level, potently reduces inflammation and leads to several beneficial changes that should lower the risk of colorectal cancer, which is the 4th most common cause of cancer death worldwide.
The short-chain fatty acids that aren’t used by the cells in the colon travel to the bloodstream, liver and to the rest of the body, where they may lead to various beneficial effects
Because of its therapeutic effects on the colon, resistant starch may be useful for various digestive disorders. This includes inflammatory bowel diseases like Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease, constipation, diverticulitis and diarrhea
Bananas are fairly rich in fiber and resistant starch, which may feed the friendly gut bacteria and help protect against colon cancer.
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Turmeric Pasta

Turmeric Pasta, Originally developed by my friend,John. Traditionally we’ll use an Organic Quinoa based pasta for the added health and nutritional benefits. (Pictured, standard Organic Wheat Pasta)
Recipe is as follows: prepare pasta as normal or directed by provided packaging or possibly a bit Aldente, as the pasta will continue to cook slightly when adding following ingredients.
Organic Coconut or Olive oil: 3 Tbsp
Organic Apple Cider vinegar:2 Tbsp
Braggs Liquid Aminos: 1 Tbsp
Braggs Nutritional Yeast:1 Tbsp
Organic Turmeric:7 Dashs
Organic Cayenne:1 Dash
Organic Garlic
Salt & Pepper: to Taste
Start with your Organic Oil and most dry ingredients to start and form a sauce. Once thoroughly combined, pulled from heat and add, nutritional yeast, apple cider vinegar, and liquid aminos. The last three ingredients contain live nutrients and beneficial bacteria to boost your immune system (heat will cause degradation). Ratios subject to consumer preference.
Bonus! Garlic, I’ve infused my oil prehand with garlic, or just added fresh to the recipe, either way it’s delicious and adds another layer of superfood nutrition and protection. Enjoy!
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